
Saturday, December 29, 2012

XCode (4.4) keeps references that are not visible ?



I worked on a simple exercise to practice storyboards.

At some time, I had a field called caliberLabel, a label that I create in the nib (in the storyboard) and connected to the .h to create outlet in order to be able to reposition programmatically.

I did work fine.

Later, I decided to change the name caliberLabel in calibreLabel and did by manual editing in all files that references it (.h and .m viewcontroller).

Even though I could not find anymore any reference to caliber in the text, I got the following error at the opening of the iPhone 5.1. simulator.


2012-12-29 20:21:25.148 MasterPact simple[10047:c07] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSUnknownKeyException', reason: '[ setValue:forUndefinedKey:]: this class is not key value coding-compliant for the key caliberLabel.'


Where can this caliberLabel be hidden in my project ?

I also checked the object name in connections editor to delete the reference and rebuild it.


Finally, I had to rebuild a new project, with the same code and everything works fine.


So problem is solved for this time, but I would like to understand what happened to avoid it in the future.



View the original article here


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