
Friday, March 22, 2013

Making a Standalone c++ (app) with Xcode... please help

Hi. I am trying to learn c++, using some books and the internet. I made my first program, which converts celsius to farenheit and vice vera (amazing, I know). I used Xcode, and obviously, it runs in the Xcode app itself, in the little interface panel (or whatever it is called).


Now, my question is, how, and how far into learning c++ does this sort of thing come into play, do you make your own 'app', or it's own 'window'?

For instance, I would like to eventually make a game, but I cannot have my game running in Xcode, I want it running by itself, like games you buy for the computer.


I realize if I stray away from the books I am reading, and learn things ahead of my level, it will ruin the learning process, but I really want to know how to do this.



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