
Friday, January 11, 2013

how to invalidate DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable?

I find that in Mountain Lion, DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable is ignored for some applications, like, Screen And after some study, I also know it is probably because that the app is code signed with some special entitlements.

Now I am trying to make this environment variable also ignored for my app. I tried to sign my app with some entitlements but this environment variable is not ignored.  I have tried many entitlement keys listed in the apple doc and all failed.

I notice that uses entitlement "" and looks like it is apple perpriotary value and it is not listed in the app doc. I have ever tried to sign my app with this entitlement manually but the application cannot run (taskgated killed it).


so my questions is:

1. in order to invalidate DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES environment variable for my app, what entitlement key value should I use when signing my app?

2. what is the critetria that Mountain Lion uses to determine whether ignore this enviroment variable or not?



View the original article here


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