
Wednesday, January 9, 2013

I am using Apple push notification.

I am using Apple push notification. If other linker flags are set as -ObjC and -all_load then device token is giving wrong value (some binary value) like: "DE 40 3C 6E 98 84 57 19 35 CA FB 8E 15 EE 42 1B 1F FC ED 2D BE E1 F2 41 9F D1 D2 6D 00 03 9B 27 | ."  but actual device token is:  "567e9e74 52f55fee 611dfea3 b48b299e ef8fc8bf b9da03a3 8ccbb771 080254c2"

can anyone please help me????? how can i resolve this ?? how to ignore other linker flags? and why i am recieving wrong device id from APN???

didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken:(NSData *)deviceToken

this method returns wrong device token if other linker flags are set.  

View the original article here


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