hopefully this'll be slightly more helpful than etresoft's response...
i'm a beginner too and i happened to run across a few tutorials mentioning demomonkey and i ran into the same roadblock you did. after some research, i haven't found an equivalent or replacement, so i ended up typing in the code myself. after a while, i was able to rely less and less on copying code and i've started making my own code up. so while demomonkey sounded like a great timesaver, i think it'd end up doing more harm than good... by relying on prebuilt snippets, you won't learn much.
on the other hand, if you have to have it, there are some books out there, like 'Beginning iOS Storyboarding: Easily Design and Develop Your App, from Concept and Vision to Code Apress © 2012' for one, that have links to compiled executables. so while you can still technically get it, it may link to a library that doesn't exist. but i don't know...
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